Tag Archives: studio

MADE Re-Fashion Event

13 Jun

So last night was the amazingly awesome Re-Fashion Event down at MADE Studios. It was an opportunity for folks to come by and donate their gently used clothing in exchange for others cast offs which are then taken into the studio and re-created into something new and exciting. It was great to see some St. Louis Craft Mafia members that I haven’t seen in ages as well as new faces of crafters coming to check out the space. We had a really fun night and much PBR was consumed by yours truly. What can I say? Kelly and I like to keep it classy.

I spent the day today at MADE cleaning up the aftermath of the party and organizing supplies. For some reason, I could not seem to focus and had total craft ADD. This resulted in the creation of some sweater cuff bracelets, sewing of  paper banners and garlands, fixing a ripped seam in a jacket leftover from Re-Fashion, and cutting up sweaters to cover glass jars. I love how the jars turned out. Thinking I may have to make some for The Foundrie this season. It will be here before I know it.

Hope everyone had a fun and productive weekend. And hopefully your plans for next weekend include joining us for the big Etsy Craft Party Meetup next Friday at MADE. There will be lots of goodies and fun stuff including several make and take projects. Get more details here. See you there!!

MADE: St. Louis Craft Mafia Studios

12 Apr

So I am super excited to announce that the St. Louis Craft Mafia is opening a community studio space down on Cherokee Street near Fort Gondo. The  plan is to create a cooperative space for indie crafters and artists in order to:

Provide a kick-ass community-centered craft collective by
providing personal studio/work spaces for artists and crafters to
come socialize and create.

Create events and provide opportunities for sales to help artists
make money through their craft.

Develop relationships between our organization & local  
businesses/organizations that will enrich our artists’ businesses.

Remove cost-prohibitive barriers by providing shared equipment
& supplies available for all Collective members to use.  We will
invest in new shared equipment at every opportunity

Strengthen the indie craft sense of community.

You can find more information and apply for either private studio or community studio space over at http://www.stlouiscraftmafia.com/made. We cannot wait to get in there and start making the space our own. I put together a little mood board for the space. Take a look and let me know what you think!

Hello Fall

6 Oct



Matt and I had the pleasure of taking Stella to the pumpkin farm last Friday with our Link Program through Ferguson-Florissant school district. Stella was most excited to see the animals and she was delighted at the cow, pig, llama, zebra, and the goats named Daisy Goat and Bubba Goat. She is still talking about them as well as her human friends Annabelle and Estella who joined us on a wagon ride around the muddy fields and farms. Fun times were had by all. Note to mommy: Before next field trip, read handout and bring items listed. All of the other children had their flashlights to go throught the hay mazes and tunnels and my darling Stella had not brought her little Hello Kitty Lantern on the expedition. Mommy gets an F for the day. Oops.


And because this blog pretty much hates me, here is a “gallery” of the other pics I wanted to share.Some pics of my studio/office as well as a photo of my felt taxidermy bunny I stitched up while watching tivo’d episodes of Melrose Place and Gossip Girl tonight. Don’t judge me. I was only allowed to watch Nick at Nite growing up. I am making up for lost time. I was the only girl in high school during the 1990’s to have a crush on Dobie Gillis. I have shared too much for one night. More later.