MADE Re-Fashion Event

13 Jun

So last night was the amazingly awesome Re-Fashion Event down at MADE Studios. It was an opportunity for folks to come by and donate their gently used clothing in exchange for others cast offs which are then taken into the studio and re-created into something new and exciting. It was great to see some St. Louis Craft Mafia members that I haven’t seen in ages as well as new faces of crafters coming to check out the space. We had a really fun night and much PBR was consumed by yours truly. What can I say? Kelly and I like to keep it classy.

I spent the day today at MADE cleaning up the aftermath of the party and organizing supplies. For some reason, I could not seem to focus and had total craft ADD. This resulted in the creation of some sweater cuff bracelets, sewing of  paper banners and garlands, fixing a ripped seam in a jacket leftover from Re-Fashion, and cutting up sweaters to cover glass jars. I love how the jars turned out. Thinking I may have to make some for The Foundrie this season. It will be here before I know it.

Hope everyone had a fun and productive weekend. And hopefully your plans for next weekend include joining us for the big Etsy Craft Party Meetup next Friday at MADE. There will be lots of goodies and fun stuff including several make and take projects. Get more details here. See you there!!

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