Tag Archives: remodel

My favorite blogs

9 Apr

So my list of favorite blogs is constantly expanding and I thought I would take a minute to share my faves with you all. I know at least one of you will enjoy these blogs as much as I do, if not more.

Design Sponge is a daily read and I love all of their content. But my favorite posts are the before and afters. Always so inspiring.

Holly over at Decor8 has the most amazing sense of color and style. She is always introducing me to incredible designers, photographers and other talented folks on her blog. Thank you for being awesome Holly!

And last but not least: Young House Love is the blog of the ultimate diy power couple, John and Sherry Petersik. They transformed their home from blah to fab and share all of their knowledge and how-to tips with their readers. Another daily stop for lots of inspiration and design ideas and solutions. And they are expecting their first child so their nursery transformation has been tons of fun to watch.

I have so many other faves but that is all I will share for today. Mostly because I need to hop in the shower so I can be ready to meet the talented and super fun S. Bosse for drinks tonight on the patio at Schlafly. Leave me some of your favorite blogs in the comments so I can add to my list!!